This really rings true for me! I'd never heard of "hormesis" but it reminds me of the idea that the way of growth is in the space right outside (but not necessarily dramatically far from) our comfort zone. The more often I commit to sitting down with the pain and indecision of actually writing, the more I feel able to actually use that time to write, and the more I'm okay with the fact that the writing is sometimes bad. Because there are other times when it's actually good, and I won't find that out without just doing it!

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So happy you liked it :)

Did Adam Grant write that line about growth being right outside our comfort zone? Regardless, I love that! It’s so true.

Even after 5 years of deliberate practice, my ratio of halfway decent writing to terrible writing is still pretty dismal. I’m so glad that you’re being intentional about it though. Best of luck!!

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This was very encouraging! I always try to finish a book I'm hating, mostly because I think I don't want to leave it unfinished, but something in my brain always told me I'd be a better person for it. These last couple of weeks after a series of messages on Nehemiah and fulfilling God's calling on your life, I made writing the main thing and interspersed it with laundry, gardening and other household chores. Rather than getting the chores done and turning to the writing. It worked! The writing was the main focus and to get away from it for a break, I was enjoying doing the other chores. It worked! A bit of reverse psychology I think. However the hours of writing was exhausting and I had to take a nap. Which is never a bad thing. The benefit of immersing myself in my writing for hours every day has really made it more fresh in my mind and helped overcome some of the struggle I was having of feeling overwhelmed by it. Thank you for sharing these thoughts!

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